Spiritual Nourishment

Raw Foodism

We think it’s a trend, perhaps it’s in fashion, but Raw foodism traces back to the late 1800s, when Maximilian Bircher-Benner, a doctor, discovered he could cure his own jaundice by eating raw apples. He then began a series of experiments testing the effects of raw food on human health, and the diet has continued to evolve. Raw food hasn’t been cooked, processed, microwaved, irradiated, genetically engineered or exposed to pesticides or herbicides. It includes fresh fruits, berries, vegetables, nuts, seeds and herbs in their whole, natural state. Proponents say cooking obliterates most of the vitamins in food and nearly all of the immune-boosting plant nutrients (though scientific evidence to support these claims is lacking). Most who follow the plan consume only half the calories they would eat on a cooked diet.

This trait or eating habit, refers to foods in their natural state, which in essence are safe to eat raw, such as fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds – but there are a whole array of raw foods both within these particular food groups. 

The literal meaning of “Raw food” is “uncooked”, “living” or “live” food. However, once we add bit of heat, then the foods are starting to cook. Hence, to be more specific and accurate, the term should really only be used for those foods that are still alive and growing, like sprouted beans and seeds, and the foods which are commonly referred to as “indoor greens” such as wheatgrass, sunflower greens, and pea greens.

The special factor of raw foods, or living foods is that as these have not been heated above48 degrees centigrade (117 degrees Fahrenheit), this allows the food to be replete with everything that enabled it to sprout and grow: starting from the sun- life force, enzymes, water, oxygen, hormones, vitamins and minerals and so many nutrients in the ground. Think about it from a “Food Chain” perspective, you really are getting the source straight from “The Source”.

The honest food, as it has been untouched, untainted, unprocessed. It is the pure fresh live food that we are designed to eat – living food for living bodies.

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