Spiritual Nourishment, Third Culture Mothering

Almond Milk

I started making this milk because I have never been fond of cow’s milk taste, especially because dairy is not easily digested for me, or what doctors refer to as “lactose intolerant”. I get bloated and gassy as it happens with  most dairy. Nowadays this milk is sold in carton boxes all over. I am a bit picky with textures in liquids and sugar, so I prefer to make it, that way I can decide how thick or sweet I want it.

What you need:  In any raw cooking kitchen, a good blender or food processor, a strainer, and a spatula. 

  • 1 cup of raw/whole almonds with skin
  • 3 cups of water
  • If you wish two have the milk be sweet add 3 pitted dates. These will give it a hint of sweetness. 

  • Soak the almonds 24 hours in filtered water, leave by the window so the almond can get some sun.
  • Once almonds have been soaked, you will see the water become a bit brown, make sure to wash them well.
  • Place the almonds in the blender with the water ratio and the dates (if sweet is your preference), and mix on high power for about a minute. If you want the milk  thicker reduce water to 2 cups.
  • Strain the pulp using a strainer, mesh or an old t-shirt. You can use the pulp in any almond baking recipes, or discard.

Keep in the refrigerator, and enjoy as a cup of milk, added to fruit and granola, or cereal, and especially to make fruit shakes. You can also cook with it. If you do so, it is better not to add the sweetness from the dates. The milk will last about 4-5 days. Then the milk will start to ferment.

Benefits of Almond Milk
  1. Heart Healthy: Naturally low in cholesterol and sodium
  2. Low Carb: Will not promote blood sugar spikes
  3. Lactose Free: As a dairy free milk, it is a perfect option for lactose-intolerant individuals
  4. Low Calorie: About 60 calories per cup.
  5. Vitamins: Almonds are a great source of Vitamin E, Riboflavin (Vitmain B2) which acts as an antioxidant and boosts energy levels, and Magenisum. 
  6. Healthy Fats: Low in saturated fatty acids, rich in unsaturated fatty acids, and contain filling fiber.
  7. Antioxidants & Protein: unique and protective phytosterol antioxidants as well as plant protein.
Nutritional facts

¼ cup of almonds provides about: 

  • 207 calories
  • 5 grams of protein
  • 5 grams fiber
  • 7 grams of carbohydrates
  • 5 grams of sugar
  • 16 milligrams vitamin E 
  • 0.4 milligrams riboflavin
  • 0.8 milligrams manganese 
  • 97 milligrams magnesium 
  • 172 milligrams phosphorus 
  • 96 milligrams calcium 
  • 33 milligrams iron 



References:  www.NaturalNews.com, www. draxe.com



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